The Israeli was taken to clinic after he was betrayed while strolling in a recreation area in East Jerusalem, Xinhua news office detailed, refering to the assertion.

Israel’s Magen David Adom salvage administration distinguished the Israeli as a super Conventional Jew in his 20s.

After the assault, an enormous number of Israeli cops were dispatched to look for the suspect, who ran away from the area by foot.

The suspect, a 16-year-old Palestinian occupant of East Jerusalem, was subsequently distinguished in a soccer field in the Sheik Jarrah area and was shot by the police and taken to the medical clinic, nearby media detailed.

The episode came in the midst of developing strains among Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank.

— Avi Mayer (@AviMayer) October 27, 2015

The Israeli military has been directing standard strikes on West Bank urban communities in the previous months, following a progression of assaults by Palestinians against Israeli regular citizens since Spring.