Finally we get a game to succeed Ragnarok Online in terms of presentation and flavor, and it’s not even Christmas yet. IMC Games is on point with the upcoming Tree of Savior closed beta 2, which begins in two days on Tuesday, October 27th.
This Tree of Savior beta phase opened up to registrations briefly earlier this month, allowing anyone to register for a key. Over 100,000 people answered the call in time, and those lucky ducks were all given beta keys.
If you missed out, have heart in the fact that at least another beta phase will come around eventually. “Eventually” meaning sometime after a month has passed, since this beta phase is lasting from October 27th through November 25th. In the meantime, the community is sure to overflow with information on what’s currently in the game and how you can prepare for the next beta.
Those that did get a key have just under 30 days to play Tree of Savior during its second closed beta, and for many that will be long enough to form at least a halfway educated opinion on the state of the game – and to try any of the classes they’re interested in.
Tree of Savior is Ragnarok Online creator Hakkyu Kim’s latest project, and just based on the isometric view it’s clear he worked on both titles. The former was even known as Project R1 to the press prior to an official announcement, perhaps a callback to Kim’s most well-known game. Tree of Savior will more than likely exiting beta and entering full launch sometime in 2016.